ISSN: 1843-3979
ISSN online 2344 – 4851
ISSN –L 1843 – 3979


Paper size: A4, “Portrait” orientation

Font Times New Roman, 12, distance 1 for the title, the author's name
Font Times New Roman, 10, italics, distance 1 for the abstract, the keywords, the foornotes

Font Times New Roman, 12, distance 1 from the text.

Borders : up: 6,25 cm, down: 3,45 cm, left/ right: 4,25 cm

Title of the article– bold, italics, capital letters, centred, TNR, 12, 2 blank lines (the titles in the language of the article, in english and in the second romance language - french, spanish, italian or portugese - should follow each other)

First name, LAST NAME: TNR, 12 PT, bold, capital letters (for last name), aligned to the right, followed by two blank lines; the author's name will be followed by a footnote where the author will indicate the name of his/her institution, the country and the e-mail.

AbstractTNR, 10, italics 
KeywordsTNR, 10, italics (3-5 keywords).

The title, the abstract and the keywords  the title, the abstract and the keywords written in the same language as the entire article are to be followed by the title, the abstract and the keywords written in English and, respectively, by the title, abstract and keywords in a Romance language other than the one in which the article is written (to be chosen from French, Spanish, Portuguese or Italian) - please refer to the style sheet as well.

Tab- 1,27 cm

Page numbers:  The pages are not to be numbered.

Footnotes : to be inserted automatically in the footer, starting from 1 for each page, following the model: last name, first name (initial), the title of the work (italics), publishing company, city, year of publication, page.

Short quotations will be inserted into the body of the article, in between inverted commas and will correspond with a footnote ;
Long quotations will be written in TNR, 10 PT, italics, forming distinct paragraphs, separated at the beginning and end through a blank line and a tab. Correspondence with a footnote.

The titles of the works cited in the text – italics.

Bibliography– There should be a blank line between the text of the article and the bibliography.
TNR, 10 PT, single line spacing, following the model:

Last name, First name (initial), title of the paper (italics), publishing company, city, year of publication.

Article Length
8 – 14 pages, including the footnotes and the annexes.